ProgressBook provides important information to help you track your progress.
•To view your assignments (including assigned homework and upcoming projects, quizzes, and tests), see “Viewing Assignments.”
•To view a summary of your grades, homework, and attendance, see “Viewing the Dashboard.”
•To view your grades, see “Viewing Grades.”
•To access your online activities, see “Accessing Online Activities.”
•To access resources posted by your teacher, see “Accessing Resources.”
•To view your class schedule, see “Viewing Your Class Schedule.”
•To view your bus and/or student driver information, see “Viewing Your Transportation Information.”
•To view your locker number and combination, see “Viewing Your Locker Information.”
•To view your report card, see “Viewing Your Report Card.”
•To view your attendance, see “Viewing Attendance.”
•To request courses for the next school year, see “Requesting Courses.”
•To view information about outstanding fees you owe, see “Viewing Outstanding Fees.”