Edit a RIMP on the Student Roadmap Screen
Navigation: DataMap > Student Roadmap
Note: For information on accessing the Student Roadmap screen, see “Access the Student Roadmap.”
1.On the Student Roadmap screen, in the RIMPs section, in the row of the RIMP you want to edit, hover your cursor until displays on the right side of the screen.
2.Click .
3.In the drop-down list that displays, select View/Edit.
Note: If a RIMP is closed, View/Edit does not display in the drop-down list. Closed RIMPs are read-only.
The Edit Student RIMPs screen General tab displays.
4.Make any necessary changes.
Note: If you enter or select a Start Date that does not fall between August 1 and May 30 of the school year in which the RIMP was created, an error message displays and you cannot save the RIMP.
Note: For information on how to edit the Reading Component tab, the Collaboration tab, or the Attachments tab, refer to the appropriate topic:
•“Add an Additional Diagnostic Measure”