Submit Discipline Incident from Student Profile

To begin the process of documenting a discipline incident, you create a referral in which you report the basics of the incident. The following section outlines how to create a referral for an incident that involves one of your students. If the incident involves a student who is not in any of your classes, see “Submit Discipline Incident from Home Page.”

1.On the Class Dashboard, click the name of the student who is the offender in the incident.


The Student Profile screen displays.

2.Click the Discipline tab.



The student’s discipline referral screen displays.

Note: If you have created any discipline referrals for this student previously, a list of incidents displays.

3.Click New Discipline Incident.



A screen on which you can add an incident displays. The name of the incident defaults to [Student Name] referral, and the offender defaults to the student whose profile you are viewing.



4.Enter or select the following information:

Name you want to assign to the incident

Date, time, and time frame during which the incident occurred (defaults to current date, current time, and During school hours)

(Optional) Incident description (up to 2000 characters)

(Optional) General and specific location where the incident occurred (defaults to
On School Property)

5.(Optional) If the incident involved more than one offender, add additional offenders as follows:

a.In the search box, enter the first few letters of the offender’s first or last name.

b.In the search results that display beneath the field, select the correct offender.

c.Click Add Offender.



The screen expands to display the additional offender’s information.


Note: To add another offender, repeat step 5. To delete an offender, click delete_icon00001.png.

6.(Optional) To document the district policy that each offender violated and/or the infraction that occurred:

a.In the Policy / Infractions section for the offender, click add_infraction_icon00002.png.

b.In the respective drop-down list, select the appropriate policy and/or infraction.


Note: To document additional policies/infractions, repeat step 6. To delete a policy/infraction, click delete_section_icon00003.png.

Caution: Be sure to complete all applicable fields before clicking Submit. Once you submit the incident, you cannot go back and edit it in GradeBook. It can only be edited in StudentInformation.

7.Click Submit.