Assigning Activities from VirtualClassroom

You must create the activity before assigning it to your students in GradeBook. To create an activity, see “Creating Quizzes,” “Creating Common Assessments,” or “Creating Discussions.” To add content to the activity before assigning it, see “Adding Content to Quizzes and Common Assessments” or “Adding Discussion Guidelines.”

1.On the Dashboard screen, click Content on the course in which you would like to assign an activity.


2.On the Content screen, click the name of the activity you want to assign.



3.On the top right of the screen, click Add Assignment, then select the linked class to which you want to assign the activity. (For help on tying VirtualClassroom courses to GradeBook classes, see “Tying Courses to GradeBook Classes.”)


If you want to assign the activity to all of your classes, after clicking Add Assignment, select All Classes. The first class in the list of tied classes is used when you are redirected to the Assignment Details screen. The remaining classes are automatically selected in the Share the assignment with the following classes section.

Note: The All Classes option is disabled when at least one Custom Setup 1 class and at least one Custom Setup 2 class are tied to the related course. In this case, you must assign the activity to each class separately.

The Assignment Details screen in GradeBook displays.

4.In the first section of the Assignment Details screen, enter the desired assignment details. (For more information on these fields, see ProgressBook GradeBook Teacher Guide.)

Note: Generally, the total point value of the activity should match the point value of the assignment. However, you can make the assignment worth fewer points than the activity if you want to let students earn extra credit.

5.(Optional) In the Assign to Student Group drop-down list, select the student group(s) to whom you want to assign this activity.

6.In the third section, select the desired assignment options. (For more information on these options, see ProgressBook GradeBook Teacher Guide.)

7.In the final section, in the Allow students to work on the activity from field, enter or select the date and time when students can begin working on the activity.

8.(Optional) Specify details about the activity using any or all of the following options:

a.If you are assigning a quiz or common assessment type activity:

i.To set an end date and time when students can no longer work on the activity, in the (Allow students to work on the activity) to field, enter or select the date and time. (For example, you might allow 2 days for students to complete online homework but a period of only 45 minutes on a specific date and time for students to complete an online test.)

ii.To review (and edit) autoscored student marks before they are posted to GradeBook, select the Preview before post? checkbox. If you do not select this option, marks automatically post to GradeBook after scoring.

iii.To allow students to view their answers after they submit the activity to be graded, select the Allow students to view their answers? checkbox.

iv.If you want to allow students to see the correct answers, select the Let student see the correct answers? checkbox.

If you want to designate a specific time period during which students can see the correct answers, in the Show correct answers from and to fields, enter or select the start and end date and time when the correct answers will display.

If you want to allow students to always see the correct answers after the activity has been graded, leave both fields blank.

v.To scramble items within the activity so that students do not all see the questions in the same order, select the Scramble the questions? checkbox.

Note: Selecting this option also scrambles Text or Resource content (see “Adding Text or Resources.”), but it does not scramble questions within a section. To scramble questions within a section, see “Creating Sections.”

vi.If you have requested that students upload a file in the activity, select the Third-party documents submitted as files? checkbox to designate that student Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive submissions upload as live links to their documents. For Google Drive submissions, this allows you to write comments directly into student work. If you do not select this checkbox, student Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive submissions are uploaded as Microsoft Word documents.

vii.If you want this quiz available as soon as the designated time-frame arrives, select the Publish Immediately? checkbox. Otherwise, you must click Publish on the activity’s Details screen in VirtualClassroom when you want students to be able to take it.


b.If you are assigning a discussion type activity:

i.In the Allow students to work on the activity from and to fields, enter or select the date and time when students can begin posting to the discussion and the end date and time after which students can no longer post to the discussion.

ii.If you want to review and approve student posts before they are visible to other students, select the Require Approval? checkbox.

iii.If you want this discussion available as soon as the time-frame arrives, select the Publish Immediately? checkbox. Otherwise, you must click Publish on the discussion’s Details screen in VirtualClassroom when you want students to be able to participate.

9.Click Save.



A confirmation message displays briefly to confirm that your changes have been saved.


10.Click Back to Quiz or Back to Discussion, depending on which type of activity you assigned.


The Details screen for the activity displays.

11.When you are ready for students to see the activity online, in the GradeBook Assignments area, in the Action column, click Publish.

Note: If you selected the Publish Immediately? checkbox on the Assignment Details screen, you do not need to complete this step.


Note: To view the activity linked to the assignment on the Class Dashboard, see “Viewing Class Progress on Activities.”

Note: To unassign an activity, see “Unassigning and Deleting Activities.”