Creating Common Assessments

You can create and store all types of activities in your Dashboard. This topic outlines the steps for creating common assessment activities that students complete individually. This type of activity follows the same format as quiz type activities (see “Creating Quizzes”  and “Adding Content to Quizzes and Common Assessments” ), but it also creates the ability to import student results into DataMap (see the ProgressBook DataMap documentation for more information).

Note: Common assessments are typically created to act as district assessments. Common assessments are created in a course in VirtualClassroom by one person who then makes that course available to the District Library. Teachers import this course to their Personal Library, and then administer the assessment to their students. Once the assessments have been scored, their results can be imported into DataMap for comparison with other student data.

1.On the Dashboard screen, click Content on the course for which you want to create the common assessment.


The Content screen displays.

2.Click add_button00003.png on the top right of the screen, then click Common Assessment.


The New Common Assessment window opens.

3.Enter a Name for the common assessment.

Note: If you want to change the name of the common assessment or edit its instructions later on, on the Dashboard, click Content on the associated course. Then, click the name of the activity on the Content screen. You can then change the name on the Details screen. See “Adding Instructions.”

4.Click Create.


The common assessment now displays on the Content screen for the course.


Note: Once you create the common assessment, you can start adding content to it, such as instructions, questions, and reference material. See “Adding Content to Quizzes and Common Assessments.”

Note: Once the common assessment is ready for distribution, you must navigate to the Settings screen of its course and select the District course checkbox in order for other teachers to be able to administer the assessment to their students.