Classes are imported into GradeBook from StudentInformation, so changes should be made in that application. If you created unique classes for special education teachers or coaches, make changes as follows:
1.On the Administrator Home Page, below Annual Setup, click Classes.
2.On the Classes screen, search for the class that you want to update.
a.You must enter information in at least one of the following search fields:
•In the School drop-down list, select the appropriate school building.
•In the Teacher Last Name field, enter the full or partial last name of the teacher associated with the class for which you are searching.
•In the Course field, enter the full or partial name of the course with which the class is associated.
b.To limit search results to only classes that do not have students enrolled in the banner, select the Classes With No Students option checkbox.
If you do not select this option, search results include both classes with and without students enrolled.
c.Click Go.
A list of classes displays matching the search criteria entered. If no search results are returned, the message “No Matches Found” displays.
3.Beside the class you want to edit, click .
4.On the Update Class screen, you can perform any of the following options:
•Update the main class information
•Edit the section name.
•To delete the class, click Delete, and then on the Confirmation window, click OK.
Note: If you try to delete a class that is being used by the district, the following error displays: “The data can not be deleted at this time.”
•Modify staff access to the class (see “Adding Staff to Classes” )
•Change a teacher's role.
•Change the start or end dates for access to the class.
•To remove a staff member, in the Del? column, select the checkbox in the row of the staff member you wish to remove, and then click Update.
•Add new staff to the class
•Modify class schedule
•Add reporting periods.
•Change the meeting days, if necessary, to reflect the days on which the class meets for each reporting period.
•Assign the room in which the class meets for each reporting period.
•Delete reporting periods.
•Modify students in the class
•Add students to a class roster.
•Delete students from a class roster.
5.Close the Update Class window.