Viewing Grades

1.To see your grade averages per course, on the navigation bar, click Grades.

Navigation bar: click Grades

2.On the Grades screen, review your grades in each course.

3.(Optional) To view grade averages for a different reporting period, on the right side of the screen, in the reporting periods area, click a different reporting period.

Grades screen: click reporting period links

4.To see more information, choose one of the following:

To see your grade averages in this course for each reporting period, click right arrow icon.

The course information expands to display your grade average for each reporting period.

Grades screen: click right arrow to view averages

To see details of the assignments that make up your grade average, click the course name or see all details.

The Grade Details screen displays, and you can review details of each assignment and any teacher comments.

Note: Assignments may include various types of work, including classwork, homework, projects, quizzes, and tests.

Grades screen: click see all details

5.(Optional) To view grades by assignment type instead of by date, in the View By area, click Type.

Grade Details screen: click view by Type

The grades now display by assignment type.

Grade Details: Type view


Note: If your school uses standards-based grading, you can view grades by standards, by assessment summary or by assignment type by clicking the appropriate option in the View By area.

6.(Optional) To view grades for a different course, in the Class drop-down list, select the course.

Grade Details screen: select a class