Use Spell Check

You can use the spell check to check the spelling of text that appears in lesson plans, daily comments, the Class Information screen in ParentAccess, and homework posts. Spell check functionality varies depending on the browser and operating system you use.

1.On the Lesson Plan Maintenance screen, Class Information Page Maintenance screen, Homework Setup screen, Forms Maintenance screen, or Daily Comments window, click Check Spelling.

If a word is misspelled, it displays highlighted on the Dictionary Popup window.

2.You may perform any of the following options:

Click Ignore to ignore the suggested misspelling or Ignore All to ignore all of the instances of the word.

Click Add to add the word to your dictionary.

Select the correction in the Suggestions list and click Change, or click Change All to change all the incorrect instances of the word to the suggestion.

Click Finish when you have finished checking the spelling to close the Dictionary Popup window.

Dictionary Popup window with misspelling of "mathematics" highlighted in text. Suggestions display. Ignore, Ignore All, Add, Change, Change All, and Finish buttons are circled. 

3.When the Spelling Check is complete message displays, click OK.