Sharing lesson plans with the curriculum director or other teachers can save time and promote consistency among teachers using the same curriculum. Even if you share lesson plans, only you, the original author, can edit it. Staff with whom the lesson plans have been shared can add only private notes.
Setting up lesson plan sharing in your grade book grants access only to your lesson plans. If you should have access to a teacher's lesson plans, that teacher must share their lesson plans with you.
1.On the Teacher Home Page, select Set Up Lesson Plan Sharing.
2.On the Lesson Plan Sharing screen, click Add teachers to my list.
3.On the Staff Search window, verify that the appropriate school displays in the School drop-down list.
Note: To narrow the list, enter the first few letters of the last name of the staff member you want to add to your list in the Last Name field.
4.In the row of the staff member(s) with whom you want to share lesson plans, select the checkbox in the Select column.
5.Click Update.
The staff members with whom you selected to share lesson plans display on the Lesson Plan Sharing screen. These staff members are the ones with whom lesson plans are shared if you select With teachers in my list when you create lesson plans.