Enter Interim/Report Card Grades by Student
On the Interim/Report Card forms, you can use the Enter or Tab keys to move from field to field.
1.On the Teacher Home Page or the Class Dashboard, click Enter Interims or Enter Report Cards.
2.On the Interim Entry screen or Report Card Entry screen, in the Class list, select the desired class or class group.
Note: Select All Classes to enter grades by student and to include all subjects for which you have that student at the same time.
3.(Optional) In the second drop-down list below Classes, select a grade level by which to filter students.
4.In the Rpt list, select the desired interim/report card. More than one interim/report card may display in the list.
5.Click the appropriate student in the list of students on the left side of the screen.
Note: Click a student's name to open the Student Progress window, which displays assignments grouped by assessment or assignment type; individual assignment weights; marks; missing, late, or excluded assignments, if any; and comments.
6.Select the checkbox above the current quarter.
7.Click to automatically calculate and populate the grade using the marks previously entered in the grade book.
Note: For secondary (traditional) interim/report cards, the YTD Average displays below the Points if YTD calculations were enabled for the interim/report card.
Note: For standards-based interims/report cards, GradeBook automatically populates the grade for each assessment. If an assessment grade remains blank, no assignments were mapped to that assessment during the grading period.
Note: Interims will print with the total SIS hours that were saved on the Interim Entry screen. Report cards will print with the correct quarter totals after the window is closed. SIS Absent/Present Hours are not mapped to virtual terms, which includes interims.
8.To override the automatically calculated interim/report card grade, select the grade and change it.
9.If you have to manually enter marks for assessments for each student, click the assessment name to view a list of valid codes and respective descriptions.
10.Close the Valid Marks window.
Note: You can enter an unlimited number of different mark types for a student’s interim/report card; however, the system may perform slowly if a large number of mark types are entered.
11.Select the appropriate code(s) from the list for each student.
12.If displays in the Reporting Period column, click it to open the Comment window, and perform the following:
a.Enter a free-form comment.
Note: Depending on your district’s setup, you may not be able to enter more than 200 characters. In these circumstances, the window displays a field that indicates the number of characters you have left out of 200.
b.Click Update.
The Comment window closes.
Note: Once you refresh the screen, you can hover your cursor over to display the comment.
13.Click Save Next to save the grades for that student, and proceed to the next student, or you can click Next or Previous to change students without saving grades.
Note: If your district administrator enables threshold override for this report card, and the student’s grades are below the minimum or above the maximum threshold, a warning message displays to inform you that the grades are subject to rounding and that any grades below or above the administrator defined threshold(s) will be rounded up or down to the respective threshold.
14.Continue to perform step 5 through step 13 for each student.
Note: You may use the and
icons to jump to the top or bottom of the list if the class includes a large number of students.
Note: A red outline appears around the field () if the grade has not been saved.