Grading Quizzes and Common Assessments
At any time after a student completes and submits an online activity, you can begin grading it.
Note: If you did not select Preview before post? on the Assignment Details screen while scheduling a quiz that contains only true/false, multiple choice, matching, and fill in the blank questions, student submissions from that activity will not display in the list of activities to grade as they have already been posted to GradeBook.
Note: If your district or school settings require you to receive quiz submission notifications, or if you subscribed to these notifications, you will receive a notification each time a student submits a quiz. You may have the option to filter these notifications so that you are only notified when you must manually grade a quiz (autoscored quizzes in this case would not generate a notification). See the ProgressBook StudentInformation Notifications Guide for more information.
Activities that are ready for you to grade display in a grading queue as students complete them.
1.On the Dashboard, on the course with the activity you want to grade, click Grading.
The Quizzes screen displays with a list of assignments. Assignments with red indicators mean there are outstanding items to grade.
2.Click the name of the activity you want to grade.
The grading screen for the activity displays with student names. Review the following information:
•Status – Displays one of the following:
•New – Student has not yet viewed the activity
•Viewed – Student has viewed the Activity Details screen in ParentAccess
•Started – Student has clicked Begin but has not answered any questions
•Submitted – Student has submitted activity and can no longer edit responses
•Partial – Student has answered at least one question on the activity
•Graded – Student’s activity marks have been posted
•Joined – Student was added to activity after it was published
•Attempt # – Number of times the student has attempted the activity
•Start Date – Date and time the student began the activity
•Submit Date – Date and time the student submitted the activity for grading
•Seat Time – Amount of time the student spent on the activity (does not include any time between exiting an activity and returning)
•Mark – Displays the student’s mark if you selected Preview before post? and if all the questions in the activity can be autoscored (otherwise, scores display in this column after you grade the activities)
3.To begin grading, click the name of the student whose activity you want to grade. Or, on the top right of the screen, click Start Grading to begin grading the activity that belongs to the first student in the list.
The grading screen for the activity of the student you selected displays. You can use the arrow keys to move from one points field to the next.
4.(Optional) Select whether you want to show only ungraded questions, only autoscored questions, or all questions.
Note: If a student submitted a quiz without answering one or more questions, you can click Give 0 Points at the top of the quiz to grant 0 points for each unanswered question.
5.(Optional) If you want to automatically display the answer key for each question, select the Show all answer keys checkbox in the GradeBook Mark area.
6.On the student’s grading screen, review the answers, noting the following symbols:
• – student gave the correct answer
• – student gave an incorrect answer
• – question requires grading
Note: Click to see the correct answer or example response.
7.(Optional) If you want the student to take another attempt at answering any question:
a.Select the Allow student to Redo this question checkbox.
b.In the Score field, enter the number of points (if any) you want to award the student for this attempt at the answer.
8.(Optional) To enter a comment about a specific answer, click for the related question and enter your remarks in the text box that displays.
9.If ungraded questions remain, mark each answer with the following:
• – marks the question as correct and student receives full points
• – marks the question as partially correct and student receives half credit
• – marks the question as incorrect and student receives no points
Note: If you want the student to receive any other number of points that these options do not give you, enter the number of points in the Score field.
Note: As you grade each question, for mark types of points or percent, the GradeBook Mark field automatically populates the student’s mark. For mark types other than points or percent, you must enter or select the mark.
10.(Optional) In the GradeBook Mark area:
a.In the Mark field, adjust the score, if needed.
b.In the Comments field, enter an overall comment for the student.
c.The Late checkbox is automatically selected if a student submitted work past the assigned due date. However, if desired, you can deselect the checkbox before posting the marks to GradeBook.
d.To send the entire activity back to the student for redo, select the Mark quiz for redo checkbox.
e.To display the answer key for each question, select the Show all answer keys checkbox.
11.Click Post.
The Mark for this student’s activity posts to GradeBook, and the screen advances to the next activity that is available for grading. Once you have graded all of the activities that are ready for grading, the grading screen for the activity displays again.
Note: If you override and post the Mark to GradeBook and later return to the student’s grading screen, the Mark field displays the autoscored mark, while the Score at the top right displays the mark you posted to GradeBook.
Note: If you sent the activity back to the student for redo, you can click the student’s name in the grading queue after the new attempt in order to correct the mark.