
Multiple-answer questions offer one or more incorrect answer choices and one or more correct choices.

1.On the activity Questions screen, in the Add to Quiz area, click Question.


A new section displays.

2.In the Select type drop-down list, select Multi- Answer.


Note: Click Question Types to see definitions of all possible content that can be added to a quiz.

The section expands with fields necessary to create a multi-answer question.

3.In the Question Text field, enter the question.

4.In the Points field, enter how many points this question is worth.

5.(Optional) To upload a file containing additional information or instructions, click Add a Resource. For more information on connecting third-party accounts and uploading files, see “File Uploads.” You can also record audio in your browser.

6.(Optional) To scramble the choices in a different order for each student, select the Scramble Choices checkbox.

7.Choose a multi-answer question Style by selecting the radio button beside Text or Picture.

8.(Optional) If you want to code the possible answers differently, select an option from the Label Set drop-down field.

Note: Four response options—coded A, B, C, D—are provided by default.

9.Designate at least 2 response options as follows:

a.In the Answers column:

i.If you selected Text, enter the answer for each response option.

ii.If you selected Picture, click Add File, then click Import a Local File to upload a file from your local machine, or from the left side panel, select inset_1.jpg or onedrive00011.png to upload a file from your Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive accounts respectively. Navigate to and select the file to upload.

Note: For more information on connecting third-party accounts and uploading files, see “File Uploads.” You can upload only image files for multi-answer questions with pictures.

b.In the Is Correct column in the row(s) of the correct answer(s), select the checkbox(es). (This is for your use or auto-scoring when grading the activity. With auto-scoring for this question type, the student must answer all parts correctly to receive the points.)

Note: To add another response option, click Add another answer. To delete a response option, click x_button_questions00012.jpg.

10.Click Save.
