Fill in the Blank Drag & Drop

Fill in the blank drag & drop questions require students to complete a sentence by dragging a word or phrase from a bank to the correct location in a sentence or phrase.

1.On the activity Questions screen, in the Add to Quiz area, click Question.


A new section displays.

2.In the Select type drop-down list, select Fill in the Blank Drag & Drop.


Note: Click Question Types to see definitions of all possible content that can be added to a quiz.

The section expands with fields necessary to create a fill-in-the-blank drag & drop question.

3.In the Question Text field, enter the desired text, clicking Add Response in the toolbar each time you want to add a blank box in the text. You must have at least 2 response blanks.

4.In the Points field, enter the number of points this question is worth.

5.(Optional) To upload a file containing additional information or instructions, click Add a Resource. For more information on connecting third-party accounts and uploading files, see “File Uploads.” You can also record audio in your browser.

6.(Optional) In the Options area, select the checkboxes for the following options as desired:

Reuse Responses – Students can use the same response from the response bank more than once.

Scramble Responses  The responses in the bank display in a random order that may differ from student to student.

7.In the Responses area, enter response choices in each Choice [X] field. As you enter choices, they display in the bank below the Answer Key field.

Note: Click Add to enter more response choices from which students can choose. You may choose to enter more response choices than actual correct responses.

8.In the Answer Key field, drag each word or phrase in the bank to the correct blank in the sentence. If you chose to enter extra response choices that are incorrect, leave them in the bank.

9.Click Save.
