
Essay questions require students to provide an open-ended response. They allow for a more extended response than other question types.

1.On the activity Questions screen, in the Add to Quiz area, click Question.


A new section displays.

2.In the Select type drop-down list, select Essay.


Note: Click Question Types to see definitions of all possible content that can be added to a quiz.

The section expands with fields necessary to create an essay question.

3.In the Question Text field, enter the question.

4.In the Points field, enter how many points this question is worth.

5.(Optional) To upload a file containing additional information or instructions, click Add a Resource. For more information on connecting third-party accounts and uploading files, see “File Uploads.” You can also record audio in your browser.

6.(Optional) To make the rich text toolbar (for more formatting options) available to students to use in their response, in the Options area, select the Allow Rich Text checkbox.

7.(Optional) To allow students to upload a file containing their answer, in the Options area, select the Allow Students to Upload a File checkbox.

8.(Optional) If you select the Allow Students to Upload a File checkbox, the Allowed File Types drop-down list displays, and you can select one or more file types that students can upload to the activity. Or, click Select All to allow all file types in the list.

Note: If you select Audio as an allowed file type, students can record their responses in their browsers. The default maximum file size configured by your system administrator determines the maximum length of audio students can record.

9.(Optional) In the Example Response area, enter one or more examples of an acceptable response. (This is for your use when grading the activity, and it displays for students after you grade the activity if you select Let student see the correct answers? when you schedule the activity.)

10.(Optional) If you want to upload a file with an example response to the question, in the Example File area, click Add a Resource.

Note: For more information on connecting third-party accounts and uploading files, see “File Uploads.”

11.Click Save.
