Report Card Marks Report

The Report Card Marks report provides numerous options for presenting report card information for individual or multiple class(es). For example, you can apply specific filter options to create a report that displays students with grades above or below a grade threshold. Once you save the report with your desired filter options and unique name, you can run it as often as you like.

1.On the Teacher Home Page or Class Dashboard, in the Select a Report drop-down list, select Report Card Marks.

2.Enter the name of the report in the Report Header field. Report Card Marks displays by default but you may change the name if desired.

3.In the Set Required Parameters area, in the Report Card drop-down list, select the appropriate report card.

4.In the Class List, select the appropriate class(es).

5.Select one of the following Include Hidden Students options:

Yes – Include students that have been hidden from a teacher's class roster

No – Do not include students that have been hidden from a teacher's class roster

Note: The field or list displays red indicating an unacceptable value was entered or a required field was left blank.

6.In the Set Optional Filters area, select the appropriate common option in the Field Name list. See “Report Card Marks – Field Name Options”  for descriptions of all the available options.

7.Select one of the following options in the Operation drop-down list if it is available. The available options may vary depending on the option you selected in the Field Name drop-down list.

Is Equal To

Is Not Equal To

Is Before

Is Before or On

Is After

Is After or On

Is Less Than

Is Less Than or Equal To

Is Greater Than

Is Great Than or Equal To

Begins With

Does Not Begin With

Ends With

Does Not End With


Does Not Contain

Has A Value 

Does Not Have A Value

8.In the Value field, enter or select the appropriate value.

Note: The available options and acceptable values vary depending on the option you selected in the Field Name drop-down list. You may be able to enter only alphabetical or only numeric characters depending on the option you selected in the Field Name drop-down list. If you selected an option in the Field Name drop-down list that ends in “Indicator,” then you must select the Yes or No option in the Value field. If you selected an option in the Field Name drop-down list that requires a date, a calendar becomes available in the Value field.

Note: You cannot select any columns in the Add & Remove Columns area; however, the Student, Course, Assessment, and Reporting Periods columns display by default on the report. Options in the Field Name drop-down list that end in “Indicator” do not have a corresponding column to display.

9.Click View Report.

The report displays at the bottom of the window.

10.To save the report with your selected parameters, filters, and columns, click Save Setup As. On the Save Setup As window in the New report name field, enter the unique report name, and in the New description field, enter the description of the report. Then, click Save.

The following message displays at the bottom of the window: “Report setup saved successfully.”



Report Card Marks – Field Name Options



Assessment Name

Name of assessment as it displays on the report card.

Assessment Order

Order in which the assessment is displayed on the report card.

Birth Date

Date of birth of the student.

Class Enrollment Status Name

Indicates whether the student is active in the class. If you select this option, you must enter Active, Withdrawn, or Future in the Value field.

Counselor Name

Name of the guidance counselor assigned to the student.

Course Abbrev Name

Abbreviation of course name as specified on the Update Course window.

Course ID

District identification code that represents the course.

Course Name

Name of course as specified on the Update Course window.

Course Short Name

Short name of course as specified on the Update Course window.

Course Ungraded Indicator

Indicates whether the course is ungraded as specified on the Update Course window. Usually study halls and lunch are specified as ungraded courses. If you select this option, you must select Yes or No in the Value field.

Enrollment Date

Date on which the student enrolled in the school.

Enrollment Status Code

Code that represents whether the student is active or inactive in the school in which the student is enrolled.

Exclude from Parent Access Indicator

Indicates whether or not the report card has been designated to display in ParentAccess and the Frontline ProgressBook Parent & Student app. If you select this option, you must select Yes or No in the Value field.

Gender Code

Code that represents whether a student is female or male.

Interim End Date

Last date of the interim as specified on the Reporting Periods screen.


Grade entered for an assessment on the Report Card Entry screen.

Parent Access Disabled Indicator

Indicates whether the student's information has been disabled in ParentAccess and the Frontline ProgressBook Parent & Student app. If a parent account is associated with multiple student accounts, the parent account can still access the other student accounts. If you select this option, you must select Yes or No in the Value field.

PB Assessment ID

GradeBook code that identifies the report card assessment.

PB Class ID

GradeBook code that identifies the class.

PB Course Group ID

GradeBook code that identifies the group to which a course belongs as specified on the Courses tab in the Report Card Builder. This code is used only in standards-based report cards.

PB Course ID

GradeBook code that identifies the course.

PB Grade Level ID

GradeBook code that identifies the grade level in which the student is enrolled.

PB Grading Scale ID

GradeBook code that identifies the grading scale associated with an assessment.

PB Homeroom ID

GradeBook code that identifies the homeroom in which the student is assigned.

PB Mark Type ID

GradeBook code that identifies the mark type associated with an assessment.

PB Report Card ID

GradeBook code that identifies the report card.

PB Reporting Period ID

GradeBook code that identifies the reporting period.

PB School ID

GradeBook code that identifies the school in which the student is enrolled.

PB Student ID

GradeBook code that identifies the student.

Reporting Period Calculation Code

Code that represents the calculation method selected for each grade calculation method as specified on the System Calcs tab in the Report Card Builder.

Reporting Period End Date

Last date of the reporting period as specified on the Reporting Periods screen.

Reporting Period Name

Name of the reporting period as specified on the Reporting Periods screen.

Reporting Period Order

Order in which the reporting periods display on the report card as specified on the Periods tab in the Report Card Builder.

Reporting Period Short Name

Short name of the reporting period as specified on the Reporting Periods screen and used in the Grading Period list on the Class Dashboard and on the Report Card Entry screen.

Reporting Period Start Date

First date of the reporting period as specified on the Reporting Periods screen.

Reporting Period Type Code

Code that indicates whether Gradebook Range was selected for the reporting period as specified on the Reporting Periods screen. Reporting periods that display in the Grading Period drop-down list on the Class Dashboard are set as Gradebook Range.

Student First Name

First name of the student.

Student ID

District code that identifies the student.

Student Last Name

Last name of the student.

Student Middle Name

Middle name of the student.

Student Name

Full name of the student.