Copying Assignments

Copy Assignments for a Default or Custom Setup 1 Class

To save time when creating assignments, you can copy an assignment that was used in another class that uses the same grading scale setup during the current school year. You cannot copy an assignment within the same class. Use recurring assignments to create multiple assignments within the same class. To reuse assignments, you can import assignments from the Assignment Bank if they were previously saved there.

1.On the Class Dashboard, on the Assignments tab, select an assignment.

2.To access the Assignment Details screen, click the Main tab.

3.At the left of the Assignment Details screen, click Copy this Assignment.



4.On the Copy an Assignment window, select the checkbox beside the class to which the assignment will be copied.

Note: Custom Setup 2 classes and groups that contain Custom Setup 2 classes do not display on the Copy an Assignment window when copying an assignment from a Custom Setup 1 or Default class.

Note: If the assignment is linked to a VirtualClassroom activity, you can copy it only to other classes tied to the course containing that activity.

5.In the Assignment Type drop-down list, select the assignment type.

6.Click Copy this Assignment.

If GradeBook performs the task properly, the window name changes to Copy Status, and Success! displays in the Status column.

7.Close the Copy Status window.


Copy Assignments for a Custom Setup 2 Class

1.On the Class Dashboard, on the Assignments tab, select an assignment.

2.To access the Assignment Details screen, click the Main tab.

3.On the Assignment Details screen, on the left side of the screen, click Copy this Assignment.



4.On the Copy an Assignment window, select the checkbox beside the class to which the assignment will be copied.

Note: Only classes that use the same grading scale, assessments, and assignment types are available on the Copy an Assignment window.

Note: If the assignment is linked to a VirtualClassroom activity, you can copy it only to other classes tied to the course containing that activity.

5.In the Assignment Type drop-down list, select the type of assignment.

6.Click Copy.

If GradeBook performs the task properly, at the top left of the Copy an Assignment window, Copy successful displays.



To close the Copy an Assignment window, click Cancel.