Setting Up Data Integration

If you have already selected StudentInformation/DASL for the district on the District Setup screen, you can enable data integration for each school building as needed.

1.On the Administrator Home Page, below Tools, click Data Integration Status.

2.On the Data Integration Setup screen, in the Integration System column, select DASL (StudentInformation) for each building.

3.Click Save.

4.You may perform any of the following optional steps while setting up data integration for the exchange of attendance codes and report card grades with StudentInformation:

To enable live daily attendance integration, click Click here to modify Integration status, and then on the School Feature Setup screen Daily Attendance tab, select the checkbox in the Offer Daily Attendance column for the appropriate school (see “Daily Attendance Tab” ).

To enable period attendance integration, click the Click here to modify Integration status link, and then on the School Feature Setup screen Period Attendance tab, select the checkbox in the Offer Period Attendance column for the appropriate school (see “Period Attendance Tab” ).

To export report card grades to StudentInformation, make sure you have selected the appropriate data integration method and source options on the General tab while creating the report card (see “Creating Report Cards/Interims” ).
