Assigning Instructional Cycles

An instructional cycle is the set of days on which school meets during the week. You should assign an instructional cycle to your school’s calendar when you are setting it up at the beginning of the school year. You may need to reassign cycle days during the initial set up after you modify the calendar to reflect holidays and other time off. At any time during the year, you can also reassign days in an instructional cycle associated with a specific calendar in the event that school did not meet (for example, a weather emergency).

1.On the School Calendar screen, in the Select a Calendar drop-down list, click inset_0.jpg in the row of the appropriate calendar.

2.At the bottom of the screen, click Assign Instructional Cycle Days.

The Assign Instructional Cycles window opens.

3.On Assign Instructional Cycles window, verify that the calendar selected on the School Calendar screen displays in the Calendar drop-down list.

4.If the school year is in progress, in the Start Date field, the current date displays.

Click calendar.png to select a different date if desired.

5.In the End Date field, the calendar’s end date displays.

Click calendar00001.png to select a different date if desired.

Note: If you are using the Rotating cycle type, the first day in the set of cycle days for the instructional cycle associated with this calendar displays in the Starting Cycle Day drop-down list. You may select a different day if desired.

6.Click Assign Instructional Cycle Days.

The adjusted cycle days display on the calendar.
