Adding Reporting Periods

At the beginning of each school year, it is necessary to set up reporting periods for all terms in which marks will be given for each school. During initial implementation of GradeBook, the reporting periods must be created, and each subsequent year the date ranges for each reporting period must be adjusted appropriately. When setting up reporting periods, the GradeBook Range? checkbox is used to indicate which reporting periods define an actual date range for the grade book. When this option is selected, the reporting period will be available in teachers’ grade books and used to determine the reporting period in which an assignment should be calculated. The system will use the due date on assignments compared with start and end dates on the reporting periods to make this determination. Select the GradeBook Range? checkbox only for reporting periods that define where assignments should fall, such as quarters or trimesters, and not on exam or final grade reporting periods.

1.On the Administrator Home Page, below Annual Setup, click Reporting Periods.

2.On the Reporting Periods screen, in the Name column, enter the new reporting period name.

3.In the Short Name column, enter an abbreviation for the reporting period name.

For example, a short name for Quarter 1 could be Q1.

4.In the Gradebook Range? column, select the checkbox, if appropriate.

Note: When GradeBook Range? is selected, ProgressBook uses the corresponding Term Begin and Term End dates for displaying assignments on the Class Dashboard and calculating student averages for that reporting period. You must enter these dates before proceeding.

Note: You need to perform step a through step c only if you selected the checkbox in the Gradebook Range? column in step 4.

a.In the Term Begin column, enter the date on which the reporting period begins.

b.In the Interim End column, enter the date on which the Interim period ends.

c.In the Term End column, enter the date on which the reporting period ends.



5.Click Save.

Note: The All Year Long reporting period is used for report card assessments that could be marked as completed at any time during the school year, such as letter and sound recognition boxes for kindergarten standards-based report cards.