Adding Instructional Cycle Codes

Instructional cycle codes represent the instructional cycle that is used in the school calendar. The instructional cycle is the set of days that school meets during the week.

By default, the Monday-through-Friday instructional cycles are already set up in GradeBook, but you may need to enter instructional cycle codes during the initial GradeBook setup if you use something other than the standard Monday-through-Friday codes. Once you have set up the list, it remains in your system from year to year.

If you make any changes to these codes, you must also make them in StudentInformation.

1.On the Administrator Home Page, below Named Codes, click Instructional Cycles.

2.On the Instructional Cycles screen, in the Name drop-down list, select the desired instructional cycle.

3.In the Code column, enter the code (up to 2 characters) representing the day.

4.In the Description column, enter the name of the day.

Note: The description may be the actual day of the week, such as Monday, or it may be an internal description, such as Day 1, based on your district's calendar cycle.

5.In the Seq# column, enter the number representing the order in which the cycle day should display.

6.Click Save.
