Student Progress Report

The Student Progress Report displays a student’s cumulative performance, assignment details, and absence information based on the features selected. Assignment information is grouped by assignment types. This report can be used in place of interim report cards and for parent/teacher conferences.

1.On the Principal Home Page, below Student Information, click Student Progress Report.

The Student Progress Report by Student screen displays.

2.In the Select a School area, select the appropriate school for which you want to run the report (if you have access to more than one school). Only active schools are available for selection.

3.In the Select a Grade Level area, select the desired grade level.

4.In the Select Students area, select one or more students.

5.(Optional) To include students withdrawn from the school in the Select Students area, select the Show Withdrawn checkbox.

6.In the Select One or More Features area, select the features you want to display on the report:

Assignment % – Displays assignment percentage

Class Alias – Alternative name assigned to a class by the teacher on the Class Setup screen

Class Average – Average for the class displays beside the overall student average

Daily Attendance – Displays daily absences and tardies

Daily Comments – Displays any daily comments entered

Show Hidden Students – Displays any student who has been hidden on a class roster and meets the selected report criteria

Duplex Printing – Allows two-sided printing with a blank page between students when the report ends on an odd page

Hide Assignments – Displays earned points, total points, weight, and average for each assignment type but does not display assignments

Hide Excluded – Does not display assignments that have been excluded for the student

Hide Points – (standards-based) Does not display points for both assignment type and default assessment

Hide Assessments – (standards-based) This feature hides all assessments except the default assessment selected on the Grading Scale Setup screen. If there is no default assessment selected, then the report displays all assessments. It is recommended to also select the Hide Points checkbox as the point totals will not reflect the sum of the detail items shown.

Parent Sig. Line – Lines for parents to sign and date to verify that they reviewed the progress report

Period Attendance – Attendance for each student’s classes

Points Missing – The number of points missed for missing assignments

Student ID – Student’s identification number

inset_0.jpgTeacher Comment – General comment that displays on all students’ progress reports

7.In the Select Time Frame area, below Select A Reporting Period, select one or more reporting periods to include on the report.

8.Select one of the following versions:

Single Column Report – Information displays in one column

2 Column Report – Information displays in two columns

9.Select the Sort Order option:

Student – (Default) Sorts information by student

Homeroom, Student – Sorts information first by homeroom (if a teacher has been assigned to a homeroom), then by student last name. If a teacher is assigned to a homeroom, the teacher’s name displays in the report header. If a teacher has not been assigned to a homeroom, the homeroom ID displays. If a teacher has not been assigned to a homeroom and there is no homeroom ID, the information is sorted by student last name.

10.Select the Output Format:





11.Click Run the Report.


12.Review the report, and then close the report window.
