Period Attendance Report

The Period Attendance Report provides many options for presenting summary- and detail-level period attendance data. Three detailed report versions display attendance information using a variety of grouping and filtering combinations. A summary report version displays attendance information by teacher, class and student. The Basic Details - Two Column report version does not allow filtering.

1.On the Attendance Home Page, below the Attendance Information area, click Period Attendance Report.

2.On the Admin Period Attendance Report screen, select the appropriate school for which you want to run the report.

3.In the Select Time Frame area, do one of the following:

Select A Reporting Period by selecting the checkbox beside the desired reporting period.

Enter a Range by entering dates in the Start Date and End Date fields.

4.In the Select a Grade Level area, select the appropriate grade level from the list.

5.In the Select Students area, select the appropriate student(s).

6.In the Select the Version area, select one of the following versions of the report:

Basic Details - Two Column – Displays attendance information in two columns alphabetically by student’s last name

Details by Student/Class/Date – Displays attendance information grouped alphabetically by student’s last name, class, and then date of absence

Details by Student/Date/Class – Displays attendance information grouped alphabetically by student’s last name, date of absence, and then class

Details by Teacher/Class/Date/Student – Displays attendance information grouped by teacher, class, date of absence, and then alphabetically by student’s last name

Summary by Teacher/Class/Student – Displays attendance information by teacher, class, and then alphabetically by student’s last name

7.If you selected any of the report version options except for Basic Details - Two Column in the previous step, in the Check the box to apply the selection criteria area, you may select from the following absence type filter options:

Excused Absences

Unexcused Absences

Total Absences

Excused Tardies

Unexcused Tardies

Total Tardies

Show checked column values only

Note: Only the absence types for which your district is calculating totals display as options in the Check the box to apply the selection criteria area of the screen. If no absence types have been set up for calculation, the following message displays: “Period Attendance totals have not been configured.”



8.Select one of the following qualifiers beside the absence type option(s) selected in the previous step, and then enter a number in the blank field beside it.

> – Greater than

< – Less than

= – Equal to

9.If multiple absence types are selected, choose one of the following options:

And – Report includes ALL of the selection criteria

Or – Report includes any, but not all, of the selection criteria

10.Select one of the desired output formats:





11.Click Run the Report.

Note: If a message displays asking to open or save the file, click Open to view the report. This message may display depending on your browser’s security settings.

12.Review the report, and then close the report window.