View Students with Interventions

Navigation: DataMap > Interventions > Student Interventions

On the Student Interventions screen, you can view the interventions for all students to whom you have access.

1.On the Student Interventions screen, each intervention displays in the grid and the total number of records displays on the top-right corner of the screen.

Note: If multiple interventions have been created for a student, each intervention displays as a separate record for that student.


Note: To sort the data by a column, click the column heading.

Note: If the complete program name does not show in the Program column, an ellipsis (...) is displayed. Hover your cursor over the program to view the complete name.

2.(Optional) To further narrow your results, in the search panel on the left side of the screen, enter additional search criteria. Then, click Find.



A more refined list of students with interventions matching your search criteria displays as reflected in the updated record count.


Note: Click export_icon.png to export your search results to a CSV file.