You can view individual student scores per subject and test area for each time the student took a third-party assessment, district assessment, or VirtualClassroom common assessment.
Note: You can also access this screen by performing a search on the Home screen in the Assessment Search area (see “Search by Assessment” ).
The Data Points screen displays student scores based on the values entered in the Subject and Year fields and provides a total number of records on the top-right corner of the screen.
To further narrow your results, in the search panel on the left side of the screen, enter additional search criteria. Then, click Find.
Note: The IEP and 504 Plan drop-down lists filter results based on the Year you select in the drop-down list. The Econ Disadvantaged drop-down list filters results based on the school year in context (and displays only if the user role you were assigned in StudentInformation has access to sensitive data).
A more refined list of student scores matching your search criteria displays as reflected by the updated record count.
Note: Click to export your results to a CVS file.
Note: To sort the data by a column, click the column heading.
The following read-only information displays:
•assessment taken (displays in header)
•month(s) during which the student took the assessment
•score for each test part for each attempt
•each score’s associated benchmark (BM) value (if any)
•each score’s associated instructional recommendations (if any)
For the Pro-Ohio and Pro-Core assessments, to view a break down of a student’s score based on each standard assessed, click the score. The Pro-Ohio Indicators screen or the Pro-Core Indicators screen displays.
Note: Click a student’s name to view the Student Roadmap screen (see “Student Roadmap” ).